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A - Z databases: Trial resources

Film and TV Literature Index with full text

Film & Television Literature Index with Full Text is an EBSCOhost database. It is a useful tool and starting point for any film and television related research. This database contains the full-text for many journal articles, book reviews, conference papers, plus indexes and abstracts.

Subjects include:

  • Cinematography
  • Film and television theory
  • Preservation and restoration
  • Production
  • Reviews
  • Screenwriting
  • Technical aspects

Access Film & Television Literature Index with Full Text on-campus

Access Film & Television Literature Index with Full Text off-campus

Some links for information: 


JOVE is an online database of video resources that can be used as course content for a number of scientific subjects. It may be of interest to Applied Health Sciences and other areas, with content relating to Psychology, Biology and Clinical skills. There are short example videos and longer more technically in-depth videos of experiments, techniques and protocols for a wide range of uses.

Some links for information:

If you are interested in exploring JOVE during the trial period

Anyone on campus is able to access the content. If you are working off campus, please create a JoVE Account using your QMU email address and you will be able to access the content that way.