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How to use the Library: Policies and Regulations

Our professional team of staff offer a wide range of services to all QMU students, staff and visitors. From help with joining and borrowing; enquiry service, interlibrary loans and photocopying as well as subject support from Liaison Librarians.

About Policies and Regulations

QMU has various policies and regulations to which staff and students are expected to adhere. These include the use of institutional IT, library regulations, photocopying and scanning. You will also find links to our mission statement, collection management policy, eTheses deposit policy and others.

If you have any queries about any of these regulations of policies please contact

Mission Statement

The Mission statement of the Queen Margaret University Library Service is to -

support teaching, learning and research across all subject areas in the University, and to provide for the information needs, whether print based, electronic or audiovisual of all staff, students and researchers.

Policies and Regualtions

Acceptable Use Policy

Queen Margaret University provides students and staff with access to information and communication technology and electronic resources, subject to the provisions of the Acceptable Use Policy. This can be found here.

Library Regulations

Use of the the QMU Library service, its resources both print and electronic, and conduct when in the Learning Resource Centre are covered by the QMU Library Regulations.

A copy of which is available here

Photocopying and Scanning in Higher Education

Any photocopying or scanning undertaken by any member of the QMU community is governed by the terms of the Copyright Licensing Agency which can be found here.

A copy of the QMU Copyright Policy can be found here.

Resource Lists Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that at institutional level there is a coherent, integrated approach to the communication of required reading between academic staff and students and that the library is able to meet student expectations for adequate resource provision (in accordance with the Collections Management Policy).

A copy of the Resource Lists Policy can be found here.

Collection Management Policy 

This document provides guidelines for the management and maintenance of the Library’s collection of information resources, both print and electronic. It reflects the priorities of Queen Margaret University and derives goals from the Library Services Operation Plan which are in support of the academic and research strategies of the institution.

A copy of the Collection Management Policy can be found here.

QMU Repositories Policy

This policy details the purpose and use of the three QMU institutional repositories  - eResearch, eTheses and eData. It can be found here.

Knowledge Exchange and the use of licensed resources

The electronic resources available through the LRC - e-journals, databases and e-books, are all purchased under licence, with agreements either directly with the publisher or the negotiating agent, e.g. JISC Collections or the Scottish Higher Education Digital Library. Access is restricted to QMU staff and matriculated students only.