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How to use the Library: Other Libraries in Scotland

Our professional team of staff offer a wide range of services to all QMU students, staff and visitors. From help with joining and borrowing; enquiry service, interlibrary loans and photocopying as well as subject support from Liaison Librarians.

Accessing libraries outwith the Edinburgh area

The following list gives details of access and opening hours for some libraries, outwith Edinburgh. For further details on membership contact the particular library.  For other University Libraries, please apply to the following scheme for access at

Most academic libraries only admit students from other institutions under fairly strict conditions. Please respect these conditions or the service may be withdrawn from all QM members.

Academic libraries across Scotland

University of Aberdeen

Library Catalogue

This library is a member of the SCONUL Access scheme.

University of Abertay Dundee

Library Catalogue

This library is a member of the SCONUL Access scheme.

University of Dundee

Library Catalogue

Includes Duncan of Jordanstone Faculty of Art Library, The Ninewells Medical School library and the School of Nursing and Midwifery Librares (Ninewells & Kirkcaldy).

This library is a member of the SCONUL Access scheme.

Glasgow Caledonian University Library

70 Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow G4 0BA

Tel: 0141 331 3000

Library Catalogue

This library is a member of the SCONUL Access scheme.

Glasgow University Library

Library Catalogue

This library is a member of the SCONUL Access scheme.

University of the West of Scotland (formally Paisley University)

Library Catalogue

This library is a member of the SCONUL Access scheme.

Robert Gordon University

Library Catalogue

This library is a member of the SCONUL Access scheme.

Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Library Catalogue

This library is a member of the SCONUL Access scheme

Opening hours: "hours do occasionally vary and if you are planning a visit, it is advisable to call first."

University of Strathclyde

Library Catalogue

This library is currently NOT a member of the SCONUL Access scheme.

University of St Andrews

Library Catalogue

This library is a member of the SCONUL Access scheme.

Stirling University Library

Library Catalogue

This library is a member of the SCONUL Access scheme.

Highland Health Sciences Library

Library Catalogue

This library is a member of the SCONUL Access scheme.

Please note that QM students planning to use this library whilst on placement, MUST register with UKLP beforehand.