Cite While You Write (CWYW) is EndNote's plugin for Microsoft Word (and soon Google Docs), which allows you to format bibliographies and cite references while you write. It is compatible with Windows and Mac and is installed automatically when you install EndNote.
CWYW should automatically install itself in Word when you download EndNote.
Follow the steps below to configure the output style to be the right one for you.
When you have installed the Cite While You Write Plugin, or have opened Word on a QMU computer or via remote desktop, you should see an EndNote tab on the ribbon at the top of the screen.
QMU's required version of Harvard, Cite Them Right Harvard 12th edition, is not one of the most commonly used output styles, so EndNote does not install it by default. You have two options to find a close match:
In both instances you may notice small variations to the Cite Them Right Online guidance for referencing in Harvard 12th edition style. It is your responsibility to check that EndNote is formatting the references correctly, and ensure that you correct them manually or by changing your settings in EndNote.
Installing an individual style
As explained above, the closet version of Harvard in EndNote's pre-installed output styles is 'Cite Them Right-Harvard'.
The Cite Them Right-Harvard output style that is pre-installed as default in EndNote does not include the DOI or URL (with last accessed date) for journal articles. In the Cite Them Write Harvard 12th edition guidelines it states that you need to provide this information. There are two solutions to address this with the pre-installed style:
1. Manually check your reference list and add the missing information
2. Change your individual EndNote settings by following these instructions
Alternatively you can download and install an individual style from the EndNote website that is closer to the 12th edition
If you get an error message when trying to install the plugin
It may be that you are using a QMU license on your device and do not have access privileges. If this is the case, please contact Helpdesk who can arrange for IT to install it for you.
We recommend that you use either EndNote Desktop or EndNote Online when writing a document using CWYW, because it can be complicated to switch between the two within one document.
To add a reference, place your cursor where you wish to insert your citation then on the EndNote tab select Go to Endnote. This takes you to your EndNote library. Select the citation then Tools > Cite While You Write (CWYW) -> Insert Selected Citation(s). You can also use ALT 2.
From the EndNote tab in Word, you can also use Insert Citation > Insert Selected Citation to insert the last reference that you have highlighted in EndNote or Insert Citation > Find Citation. The latter opens up a dialogue box where you can search for a reference by author, title or keyword. Highlight the desired reference and click on Insert.
CWYW also allows citations to be created excluding the Author(s) or the Year.
You can do this from the Endnote tab in Word following the instructions above to insert a citation. However, instead of clicking on the Insert button, click on the arrow beside it:
You will be presented with a short list of options:
Insert & Exclude Author
Insert & Exclude Year
Choose the option that best suits how you would like the citation to be formatted. For example, by selecting the Insert & Exclude Author option, the citation will look like this:
This example demonstrates how authors, such as Coulter and Lee (2016), can be excluded from the citation that CWYW generates.
To change the output style you can select an alternative from the drop down Style box in Word. The changes will be instant.
To edit citations you must use command options available in EN or Word - if you try to edit the body of the text in Word, the changes will not be permanently stored. Place your cursor in the reference to be amended then click on Edit and Manage Citations.
You can select to Exclude Year and/or Author, if you have already mentioned these in the body of your text.
You can add information in the Prefix or Suffix fields, for instance 'See' in the prefix or page numbers in the suffix fields.
Please note: do not use the Pages field for page numbers unless you know that your style (e.g. APA 7) uses this field. If you are unsure use the Suffix field and enter the page(s) as you would like it to appear in the citation, e,g, p.1.