It is possible to create a new EndNote library from a Word document if the references in the document were originally inserted from EndNote. This feature will not work with plain text. It is useful if you have worked on a document using several EndNote libraries and you now wish to have a library which includes every reference you have used in your document and no others. You can easily create a separate final bibliography from such a library.
1. Login to EndNote Desktop
2. Open the Word document that contains the reference list you want to import into EndNote (example below)
3. In Word, click on the EndNote tab
4. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the Export to Endnote option
5. Click on the Export Word Master List option
6. From the popup box, choose whether to import to an existing Endnote Library or to add to a new Library
7. Click on OK
8. A popup box will appear when the export has successfully been completed
9. The references should automatically be imported into the Library within the Imported References, Recently Added or Unfiled groups
If you've been asked to create an annotated bibliography, you can use EndNote to insert a full reference list into a Word document without the in-text citations.
In EndNote, first ensure you have the correct referencing style selected at the top of the screen. Now highlight the references you wish to appear in your bibliography (use the Control and/or Shift keys to highlight multiple references). Right-click on the highlighted area and select Copy Formatted. Open a blank Word document and paste the references into it.
Now simply type in your annotations between the references as necessary.
You can also drag the references into a Word document using your mouse and selecting the Ctrl key at the same time.
Insert Citation > Insert Figure
You can then search by caption keyword or title.
It's possible to add a text footnote to your document if you are using a numbered citation style.
Insert Citation > Insert Note
The Federation University has created a comprehensive guide on how to add acronyms to in-text citations when using Endnote's Word plug-in.
Such as: