Many databases are able to add references into your ibrary. The first step is to have the database create a file containing the references, and then you can import this file into EndNote. Below are examples of how to do this for some of the databases we provide access to.
Cochrane Library
Citations from the Cochrane Library can be exported individually or in batches.
- You may export all results or just a selection of citations from the results page.
- Select Export all or Export selected at the top of the results page.
- From the Choose your export options window:
- Select your computer’s operating system (PC, Unix or Linux, or Mac) in the Export type dropdown.
- Select file type: citation only, or citation and abstract.
- Click Export Citation
- A .txt file will be downloaded to your computer.
- See importing reference files for instructions on how to add these references to your library.
EBSCO Databases
Citations can be exported from any EBSCO database (e.g., MEDLINE Complete and ERIC) either individually or in batches.
- From the results page, click on the blue folder icon to the right of the citation(s) you would like to export to EndNote. The folder will turn yellow once a citation has been added to the temporary folder in EBSCO.
- Once you have added citations to your folder and are ready to export them, click folder view in the right column.
- To send all citations in your folder select export in the right column.
- Several options will appear on the next page.
- Select Direct Export in RIS Format if you’re using EndNote desktop.
- Select Direct Export to EndNote Web if you’re using the web version of EndNote.
- Click save to download the file.
- See importing reference files for instructions on how to add these references to your library.
PubMed can send references individually or in batches.
- From the results page, select one or more citations that you would like to add to your EndNote library.
- Click the Send To dropdown menu.
- Select Citation Manager and Create File.
- A .nbib file will be downloaded to your computer.
- See importing reference files for instructions on how to add these references to your library.