When you export references from EndNote (either from the desktop app, website or using the Cite While You Write plugin in MS Word or Google Docs) you need to make sure you have changed to settings to the correct referencing style so that your citations and references are formatted correctly.
EndNote offers a wide range of styles to download. Unfortunately it does not provide an accurate template for Cite Them Right Harvard 12th edition, the style most commonly used at QMU.
To get around this you have two options:
1. Use any other style of Harvard available on EndNote and make sure you check every reference you insert and make the changes you need to ensure they are formatted correctly using Cite Them Right.
2. Follow the steps in the box below to edit an Output Style so that it formats your references accurately. Please note: the steps below are for journal articles only.
1. Click Tools - Output Styles - Open Style Manager.
2. Scroll down to find Cite Them Right-Harvard.
3. Tick the left hand box next to Cite Them Right-Harvard
4. Click Edit OR close the box and then go back to Style Manager and select the output style Cite Them Right-Harvard. A new window will open.
5. Under Bibliography, click Templates.
6. Scroll to the template for Journal Article.
7. Delete the contents from the field and copy the following into it: Author (Year) 'Title', Journal, Volume| (Issue), pp. Pages|. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/DOI|.
8. Close the window. The changes will have saved.