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Teaching Resources and Support: Journal articles

This guide provides information about where to find teaching materials, through QMU Library subscriptions and open licensing.

Journal articles are core to many resource lists across the disciplines studied at QMU. You are likely to find journal articles you wish to include in your teaching and resource lists through academic databases, reference lists, textbooks and other sources, and follow links or locate these online via search engines. This may mean you end up on a platform we don't have access to the journal article through, but we may have access to it on an alternative platform.

It is important to ensure that the links you provide to students are the right ones where we have full text access and they can access it.

Where to find out which journals we have access to

You may find that you end up on a platform and can't log in to the full text, but you're sure we do or should have full text access.

You can check whether we do have access and which platform we can access the full text through via our E-journals A-Z.

What to do when you want to include a journal article we do not have access to in a reading list

Please email CLAScanning to request that a copyright-fee paid version of the article is purchased by the Library so that you can include it in your resource list.

Articles shared on social networking sites

Articles shared on academic social networking sites may or may not be shared within copyright requirements.

It is important that you check whether it is okay to share links or copies of the content you find on sites like ResearchGate and

If you have any questions about the suitability of use of an article, please consult with your subject librarian.