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Referencing and Plagiarism: Generative AI

For Students

Guidance on use of AI was agreed at Student Experience Committee on 29 November 2023. 

Acknowledging use of Generative AI

All instances of generative AI use in the development of an assignment must be appropriately acknowledged and cited. Cite Them Right includes guidance on citing text produced by generative AI using Harvard and APA styles:

For Staff

The Quality Assurance Agency’s webpage Quality Assurance Agency: Chat GPT and Artificial Intelligence is recommended as a ‘go to’ source of information, as it is regularly updated with useful guidance and resources.

The QAA has produced a set of resources at its Academic Integrity pages. These resources include briefing papers on cyber security, essay mills, and Artificial Intelligence. You will also find the Academic Integrity Charter on the QAA website. QMU has signed up to the Charter and the seven principles therein.

Further information is available from programme leaders.