You are automatically registered to borrow from the library after you have matriculated. Once you collect your Smartcard, you can use the self-service machines to borrow and return your books. Please take note of the date your books are to be returned!
The library catalogue is a searchable database of everything that is held in the LRC. It includes information about the books, eBooks, DVDs, print journals etc. that are available from the LRC. You will find a link to the library catalogue in the Useful Links on the Library Services homepage.
Books cannot be issued without your Smartcard so make sure you bring it with you!
Undergraduate Borrower Allowance |
Postgraduate Borrower Allowance |
20 (7 day loans OR 21 day loans) 5 (audio visual items) |
25 (7 day loans or 21 day loans) 5 (audio visual items) |
We have two loan periods for items in the LRC as well as additional reference only copies. They can be identified by the tape and labels on the book spine.