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Resource Lists: Guide for Students: Your Profile

How to get the most out of Resource Lists

Creating a profile

Creating a user profile only takes a few minutes and opens up a number of features that are not available to guest users.

When you log in for the first time, select 'Create User Profile' and follow the on-screen instructions.

Logging In

When you are logged in to Resource Lists with your QMU username and password you can access a range of features.


On your profile page you will see your name and details, which you can edit if you want to. You will also be able to see which resources you have tagged using the reading intentions tool (see Personalising Your Lists). These will display in sections, under headings based on how you have labelled them within your lists. Resources from all your lists that you have tagged will be displayed together under these headings.

You can also see any notes you have made on different items across your resource lists, on the My Notes tab.

My Lists

You can create your own list to keep links to all the resource lists available for your modules. Click the + My Lists button at the top right of each list you want to add and it will display on your My Lists page, available on the menu bar when you are logged in.