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Critical Appraisal : Occupational Therapy

Recommended tools and checklists for Occupational Therapy


Critical appraisal notes and checklists for case control studies, cohort studies, diagnostic studies, economic studies, RCTs, meta-analyses and systematic reviews

CASP Critical Appraisal Skills Programme 

Includes checklists for case control studies, clinical prediction rule, cohort studies, diagnostic studies, economic evaluation, qualitative studies, RCTs and systematic reviews

MATT Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool 

McMaster University Evidence Based Practice Research Group 

Quantitative and qualitative review forms

One Occupational Therapy lecturer commented:

McMasters has a place too but tend to recommend it, after I have introduced it properly, as it is quite “generic”, and one has to be pretty good at critical appraisal before they use as; despite being comprehensive, it has fewer sections i.e. does not prompt for certain things to look out for. It is a bit of a misconception, among students, that it is the “easier” one to use because of less jargon.