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Copyright, Scanning and Photocopying: Photocopying


QMU uses multi-functional devices (MFDs) to photocopy, print and scan. You are required to login to the machines using your SmartCard but this enables you to collect printing from any MFD on campus. You may add funds to the Print Purse online .

The MFDs also allow you to scan directly to email or your network share drive and will store the document in graphical or PDF format.

Students should be aware that photocopying print material or printing from electronic journals or books is subject to the terms of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Acts, 1998.

The Act allows photocopying or printing only if:

  • it is for personal use, for the purposes of research or private study
  • it is for criticism or review
  • it comprises no more than
  • one article from a single issue of a journal, or one paper from a set of conference proceedings
  • or a maximum of one complete book chapter from any one title regardless of length
  • or the whole of a poem or short story, not more than 10 pages in length, if contained in a collection of such works in book form
  • or no more than 10% in total of a work

For further information please contact