Open Access is commonly understood as making research freely available for anyone to view online, sometimes without the copyright and licensing restrictions commonly associated with traditional publishing models. True open access allows the end user to share and modify the paper, often following the terms of a Creative Commons (CC) license.
Green Open Access is open access which is achieved through repositories. The pre-print (first version of a paper) or post-print (final, peer-reviewed, pre-publication version) is made freely available in an institutional repository (such as QMU's eResearch publications repository) or in a subject repository. The depositing of these papers can be subject to publisher imposed delay periods (embargo), where the paper cannot be made available for a specified time period. |
Gold Open Access is open access which is achieved by publishers. The published journal article is made freely available on the journal website from publication, with a licence that permits sharing and reuse. This often, but not always, requires an APC (article processing charge) to be paid to a publisher to make a paper open access on the publisher website. |
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