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Business School Guide: Marketing Databases

Subject guide.

How to use this page

Use databases to find articles on a given topic which is called literature searching for assignments and dissertations. If you have never had training on literature searching, please see the Literature Search video below to help you create a search strategy on a given topic.

Many of the databases in the left hand column are available through the same platform such as Proquest and EBSCO. If you learn how to search one Proquest database or one EBSCO database, you will know how to search all of the Proquest or EBSCO databases as they all databases on the same platforms look the same but contain diferrent journal collections. Please see the short online and video guides to the right for each database or group of databases to help you learn how to search them.


WARC help

WARC has devised a marketing Strategy Toolkit developed by world leading market strategists which is free to use (with our WARC subscription) for our students and staff. The seven modules of the toolkit are meant to improve your skills as a strategic thinker and take around 8 hrs to complete. The toolkit is used by both people working in the industry and well as students and it is not meant to replace any teaching received at QMU but to enhance student experience as well as their CV to improve chances of employment. It is designed to give some practical marketing experience with a real case scenario but it relies quite heavily on the theoretical knowledged acquired through it. the mlearner's knowledge is assessed by marketing specialists at WARC.

The modules are grouped into three topics:

  1. Marketing and Brand Strategy
  2. Consumer Insight
  3. Campaign Development

After each topic, you can test your knowledge with a strategy quiz and gain hands on experience by tackling the dummy brief.  Please watch this 5 mins video to get the basics (you need your QMU credentials to access it). 

The kit can be used in three ways:

  1. Work through the modules as a ‘course’

  2. Support existing training schemes

  3. Refresh your knowledge whenever you need to