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Deaf Studies and Interpreting: Home

Talis resource lists for BSL/English Interpreting


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Tamsyn Sloan

Note on using referencing online guide

QMU uses the resource, Cite Them Right, to provide guidance on referencing.  

Among the formats available, Cite Them Right is available within an online guide: Cite Them Right online

To be able to access this guide, you will need to login using your QMU username and password. To do this:

  • click on the weblink above or the one provided in the referencing guide (found in the Referencing tab of this guide).
  • click on the Login button (found on the top right hand side of the homepage of Cite Them Right online).
  • Start typing in 'Queen Margaret University' into the search box provided to be able to select it.
  • Enter your QMU username and password into the boxes provided.
  • You will then be taken back to the homepage where you will now have full access to the website's contents.

More information can be found in the Referencing tab of this guide.


Welcome to your subject guide to link you to the books, journals, key databases, new research and other online resources for your subject field of Deaf Studies and Interpreting.  If you're not sure where to start , let these pages be your inspiration.

This guide can also help you with conducting a literature review and completing other university assignments.
On this page, you can email and schedule an appointment, and access useful recordings and help guides as well as your Talis Reading List.

► Go to the Books tab to search the library catalogue and Discover.

►Go to the Journals tab to search for print and e-journals.

► Go to the databases tab for information on multidisciplinary and subject specific databases.

► Go to the referencing tab if you're not sure how to reference a source.

As the Liaison Librarian for Deaf Studies and Interpreting, I am here to support you in navigating and using the print and online resources you will have access to here as a student at Queen Margaret University.

Please contact me in person, by phone or email if you have any queries.

QMU Study Skills Canvas module

Study skills support

Study Skills Workshops

Do you want to find out:

  • What ‘studying’ is all about?
  • Tips and strategies for independent learning?
  • Effective ways to plan, write and research?

Click below to view upcoming workshops run by the Effective Learning Service.


Library workshops

The library is running a series of workshops, scheduled throughout the year, on topics to help you with finding, accessing and using resources and tools for your work.

To find out what workshops are available, and to book a place, please visit our events booking page

Help videos from ELS

The Effective Learning Service has put together a series of videos to help you develop key academic skills: