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Mendeley: Reference Manager

How to create and use a Mendeley account at QMU

Manage Your References

Mendeley Reference Manager is a downloadable reference manager tool that allows you manage, read, share, annotate and cite your research papers. 

You can download Mendeley Reference Manager here.


screenshot of Mendeley Reference Manager library view

Install Mendeley Web Importer

Install the Mendeley Web Importer -- Install the Web Importer into your favorite web browser to import references and documents academic databases.


You can use the Web Importer tool to save articles to your personal Mendeley library as you browse and search online.

Mendeley Library

When editing or adding documents to your Mendeley Library, you will see the changes in the Reference Manager view.  

Note: The Reference Manager desktop software automatically syncs with your cloud-based web storage.  If you were working offline or your internet connectivity was interrupted, you may also sync your materials by clicking the synchronize button in the upper right, next to your name. 


Add Files to Mendeley

You can add files to Mendeley by:

  • Dragging and dropping a pdf into Mendeley
  • You can also add files by selecting file and then clicking add files or folder. 

Export references directly from other Elsevier products such as Science Direct or Scopus to Mendeley.

  • When reading an article click the export button then choose "Save to Mendeley"


Import References from other Managers

You can import citation data from other reference management software tools as well.  

The file type .ris  is a good option for exporting and importing citation data. 

Read and Annotate your PDFs

You can annotate PDFs that have been added to your Mendeley Library. You can do this by selecting the item in your library, and then clicking the Read button on the right side pane to open the file in a separate tab within Mendeley Reference Manager. You now have the option to:

  • Search within Text
  • Highlight text in multiple colors
  • Add sticky notes to specific locations
  • Make notes about this and other pdf documents in your Notebook