The Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) Resource Library, based within QMU's library, provides students with the opportunity to look through different assessments and therapy resources used within clinical practice and research. The resources aim to help students prepare for placements, or extend their knowledge of resources used within research.
The collection was developed, and will continue to be developed, through generous donations that allowed/will allow the purchase of new assessments and other therapeutic speech and language materials.
The refreshed collection is now available for use by not only students and QMU staff, but also by QMU graduates and the wider Speech and Language community.
Users of the collection are encouraged to place requests for new resources they think should be added to the collection or to report any resources that they notice to be damaged, incomplete or missing.
To do this, users are asked to fill out a form that can be found here
All the material within the collection has been indexed within the library's online catalogue.
In addition to the collection's Guide, a resource can also be searched for using the catalogue's search function.
The web link to the catalogue can be found here
A guide has been designed for the collection to help users navigate the resources. The Reference Guide provides users with the names of all resources available, a brief description on the focus of the resource (e.g. phonology, stammering, aphasia etc.), and where to find them.
The guide can be found here